For those who aren't obsessive fans of Doctor Who, you probably don't know that today (not all that long ago) the new logo for series 1/5/31 was released.
This has set the internet alight with commentary over the new logo, although this hasn't managed to surpass the amount of talk over the spoiler images that were taken of the filming of the first episode of the new series. Here's a look at some of the photos taken:

Now, did anyone notice the attire of the Doctor's (Matt Smith) companion, WPC Amy Pond (Karen Gillian)? Well, it's that get-up that's sparked a long series of comments of excitement from fans over Gillian's outfit. Now, I'd say there's a great load of fettish ware pictures out there on the internet, that Doctor Who fans wouldn't show any interest in. However, once the Doctor Who connection's made, fandom goes a bit funny.
Hmmm! New Doctor looks like a photocopy of the Tennant version - which in the short term may be no bad thing. But the extraordinary thing about regeneration nowadays is the way it now really is what it was supposed to be originally - an excuse to change the actor so that the show can struggle on. The new logo may well be the only thing that's really going to change.