Tuesday 15 September 2009

Not too bad old chap

So, today was the girlfriend's birthday, did rather well with the whole thing I must say. Another success was that I finally got started with the new Revolutions study-regime, didn't work for all that long, but it's a start at least. Unfortunately I've not been all that well the last few days, and as I type this I'm going through an anxiety attack and my OCDs spiked up rather high. Of course this is hardly the first time this has happened today, or any day for that matter, but it's still, well, you know.. (all three of you that is)..


  1. I like reading your blog. I hope you're feeling better soon. (:

  2. Thanks, good to know someone's reading this stuff. I'm trying to make myself feel better by drinking tea, lots and lots of tea.. actually, I've only two boxes of Twinnings' Irish Breakfast left... I better stock up..
